nagajuban worn under kimono. This nagajuban generally uses something called a ”collar core” to neatly shape the collar. When purchasing nagajuban, be sure to purchase the collar core as well.

The nagajuban has a place to pass the collar core, so insert the collar core and adjust the shape!
Sometimes there is a nagajuban with a collar that does not require a collar core, so in that case it is not necessary.
Click the link below for a detailed explanation of nagajuban!
[Nagajuban]Washable long undergarment! White, plain, for summer, with integrated clothing without crests, white, one size fits most[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
◆Size: Free size (approx. cm) Body length 120, sleeve l…
table of contents
- What is a collar core? Absolutely necessary?
- How to insert the collar core and where to insert it in Nagajuban?
- How to care and store the collar core
Adult yukata single item floral pattern black stripe gray sweet and cute summer kimono[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
¥9,880Adult yukata single item floral pattern black stripe gray sweet and cute summer kimono[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
■This product is exclusively for shipping outside of Japan■
◆Payment can be made in JPY/USD/EUR.¥9,880 -
Adult yukata single item floral pattern lily navy blue sweet and cute summer kimono[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
¥6,650Adult yukata single item floral pattern lily navy blue sweet and cute summer kimono[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
■This product is exclusively for shipping outside of Japan■
◆Payment can be made in JPY/USD/EUR.Size: Length 163cm Sleeve length 67cm Sleeve length: 49cm
Material: 100% cotton
◆This product is a yukata only. *The obi and sandals in the image are not included. Please purchase the obi and zori separately and enjoy coordinating it.¥6,650 -
For summer festivals and fireworks displays! Hydrangea pattern free size kimono yukata (bonus included)[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
¥5,480For summer festivals and fireworks displays! Hydrangea pattern free size kimono yukata (bonus included)[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
■Size: Free size
Length: around 130cm
Sleeve width: around 40cm
Sleeve length: around 46cm
Width: Approximately 55cm (Since it is sewn with no focus on the back, information is given as “without sleeve length” and “width”)
■Material: 70% polyester, 30% cotton¥5,480 -
Japanese kimono★Yukata 4-piece set for adults Obi and obijime set! green free size[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
¥15,372Japanese kimono★Yukata 4-piece set for adults Obi and obijime set! green free size[Dedicated page for shipping outside of Japan]
■This product is exclusively for shipping outside of Japan■
◆Payment can be made in JPY/USD/EUR.
Kimono (Yukata), Obi, Making Obi, Obijime, 4-piece set!¥15,372
What is a collar core? Absolutely necessary?
The collar core is a long thin plate that is inserted into the collar of the nagajuban, and is used to adjust the shape of the collar.
Normally, the collar part of the nagajuban is soft, and if you don’t add a collar, it won’t look beautiful, so adding a collar core made of hard material such as plastic, nylon, or paper will make it look more beautiful.
There are many types of collar cores, including transparent types and mesh types.
How to attach and use a collar core to your nagajuban will vary slightly depending on the type of collar on your nagajuban, so we will explain what types there are and how to insert it!
Types of nagajuban collars
There are three main types of Nagajuban collars: Hiroeri, Bachieri, and Boueri.
- Hiroeri:
- Hiroeri is a style of kimono collar in which the shape of the collar is relatively wide. Hiroeri generally gives a sophisticated impression and is suitable for formal occasions and formal wear. Using Hiroeri will make your kimono look more gorgeous. It is often used as a kimono attire for formal occasions such as weddings, ceremonies, and important events.
- Bachieri:
- Bachieri is a style of kimono collar with an indentation reminiscent of a drumstick. Bachieri are characterized by ornate designs and are sometimes decorated with gold or silver embroidery and rich decorations. It is generally used in kimono style for formal occasions, formal attire, stages, performances, etc.
- Boueri:
- Boueri is a simple style kimono collar with a straight and thin collar. Boueri is generally suitable for casual attire, especially for summer kimonos and relaxed occasions. Boueri’s kimonos are popular for their casual designs that incorporate many Japanese patterns and summery patterns.

It’s like wearing erishinjuban, nagajuban, and kimono on top!
How to insert the collar core and where to insert it in Nagajuban?
There is a space where you can insert the collar core into the collar, which is located on the outside (kimono side) and inside (undergarment side) of the collar.Insert it into the inside (undergarment side).
If you put the collar on the outside (kimono side), the thickness of the collar will make the collar look ungainly, so be aware of this.
Be careful of the direction! Place the collar with the pointed side up!
The shape varies slightly depending on the type of collar core, but in most cases, the length of the top and bottom sides are different. In this case, insert it with the pointed end facing upwards.
Be careful not to reverse the direction as the collar may wrinkle.
How to care and store the collar core
【How to store the collar core】
- Dry: After using the collar core, dry it thoroughly to remove moisture before storing it. In particular, paper collar cores are sensitive to moisture, so if they are stored damp, they may deteriorate.
- Smooth out wrinkles: To avoid wrinkles, store your collar core flat. If it gets wrinkled, you can lightly iron it or use a steam pack to remove the wrinkles.
- Storage location: The location where you store your collar core should be dry and avoid direct sunlight and places with high temperatures and humidity. A well-ventilated place such as a closet or closet is suitable.
- Put it in a box or case: To keep the collar core in its shape, it is a good idea to store it in a special box or case. Choose a box or case that matches the size of your collar core to prevent dirt and scratches during storage.
If there is a crease on the collar core itself, the crease will be visible when inserted into the Nagajuban, so it is common to remove it from the Nagajuban and store it rolled up!
【How to care for the collar core】
- Remove dirt: If the collar pad gets dirty, use a dry cloth or soft brush to gently remove the dirt. If necessary, you can wipe it with water diluted with a neutral detergent, but please avoid washing it in the washing machine or with water.
- Caring for paper collar pads: Paper collar pads are sensitive to moisture, so it is important to remove moisture, especially during the summer and rainy seasons. To dry it regularly, it is best to hang it in a shaded and well-ventilated place.
- Caring for fabric collar inserts: Fabric collar inserts may be machine washable or hand washable. When washing, please follow the care instructions and wash by hand using a gentle detergent or in a washing machine.

When storing, separate it from the Nagajuban and carefully roll it up to avoid creases.
It can be used beautifully for a long time! Be careful not to bend it!
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