In Japanese kimono fashion, the obiage is an important accessory that adds a glamorous point. In this article, we will introduce the secrets to coordinating a beautiful kimono, from the basics of obiage to its uses and various styling methods.
What is obiage?
The obiage is an important accessory in traditional Japanese kimono fashion, and plays a role in tightening the kimono’s obi and creating a beautiful silhouette. Below is a detailed explanation of the basic outline of obiage.
The role of tightening the obi:
The main role of the obiage is to tighten the obi of the kimono and create a beautiful waistline. By tightly tightening the obiage, the entire kimono is balanced and a sophisticated silhouette is created. This tightening effect is essential for making your kimono look more gorgeous and feminine.
The charm of various designs:
One of the charms of obiage is its variety of designs. There are many different types, from traditional patterns and patterns to modern, artistic designs. You can add a unique accent to your kimono styling by adding accents to a simple kimono or choosing a design perfect for a special event.
Material and texture:
Obiage is made from a variety of materials, including silk, cotton, and metal thread. Each of these materials has a different texture and influences the atmosphere of the kimono. The smooth texture of silk and the luster of metallic thread enhance the impression of a kimono. By choosing the material according to the season and occasion, you can enjoy an even more stylish look.
More than just an accessory, the obiage is an important element that enhances the beauty of the kimono and adds personality to your outfit. By learning the correct way to choose and arrange kimonos, your everyday kimono style will become even more attractive.
Uses of obiage
Tightening the obi: The obiage primarily serves to tighten the obi of a kimono. By pulling the obi tightly and creating a feminine waistline, a sophisticated silhouette is created. This tightening effect creates a balance throughout the kimono, highlighting its beautiful form. By tightening the obi tightly, the kimono becomes stable and the obi does not slip easily when walking or sitting.
unique accent: Obiage adds a unique accent to the overall kimono coordination due to its wide variety of designs and materials. There are a variety of styles, from traditional patterns and patterns to modern, artistic designs. By taking advantage of this wide range of variations, you can add glamor and individuality to your fashion by adding accents to a simple kimono or choosing a design that is perfect for a special event. The diversity of obiage designs makes kimono fashion even more attractive.
These uses for the obiage make it more than just an accessory, making the kimono more beautiful and unique.

Maximize the influence that obiage has on your kimono style by choosing the right way and coordinating it!
The charm of obiage
Diversity in design: One of the charms of obiage is its variety of designs. You can enjoy a variety of styles, from traditional patterns and patterns to modern, artistic designs. Whether you value tradition or prefer a new approach, there is something to suit your tastes. The obiage design is an important element in bringing out the unique charm of a kimono style, and is a means of creating a unique fashion.
Material choices: Obiage is made from a variety of materials, with silk, cotton, and metal thread being commonly used. The texture and luster of each material affect the atmosphere and impression of the kimono. For example, silk’s smooth texture and elegant luster are perfect for special occasions. On the other hand, if you want a more casual look, you can also choose cotton or other natural materials. By using different materials depending on the season and outfit, you can further enhance the stylish impression of kimono fashion.
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